Gostili smo 100 dijakov in 12 profesorjev z Danske

Danska Oure

Avtor objave: Tjaša Klanjšček, Datum objave: 9. 3. 2022, Datum poteka: ni podatka

V torek, 8. marca, smo na naši šoli gostili 100 dijakov in 12 profesorjev iz danske šole Oure. Naš razred, 3. e, je bil zadolžen za gostiteljstvo Dancev pri pouku v šoli in za voden ogled mesta. Bili so razdeljeni v dve skupini, ena je bila v šoli, druga pa na terenu. Danci v šoli so bili prisotni pri pouku v različnih razredih in pri različnih predmetih, medtem ko so si Danci na terenu s profesorji naše šole ogledali različne znamenitosti, ki so jim jih v angleškem jeziku predstavili dijaki našega razreda. Po prvi polovici dneva sta se skupini dijakov zamenjali.

Na začetku je bilo čutiti nekaj nervoze na obeh straneh, vendar je le-ta kmalu popustila. Hitro smo se ujeli in se začeli družiti, saj smo oboji športniki in smo imeli kar nekaj skupnih tem, o katerih smo se lahko pogovarjali. Pripovedovali so nam o njihovem življenju na Danskem, mi pa njim o našem. Oboji smo bili precej presenečeni, saj se njihovi običaji in navade precej razlikujejo od naših. Spoznali smo, da so dijaki z Danske zelo zgovorni in da obožujejo naše mesto. Ni jih bilo strah vprašati ničesar in sami smo z veseljem odgovorili na vsako njihovo vprašanje. Dan je minil prehitro in čas je bil za njihov odhod. Kljub omejenemu času druženja lahko z veseljem povemo, da smo ustvarili prečudovito prijateljstvo in da smo oboji uživali v prekrasnem dnevu.

Žan Kaučič, 3. e

Več fotografija na https://www.prva-gimnazija.si/album/gostili-smo-100-dijakov-in-12-profesorjev-iz-danske?zbirka=2021/2022

We hosted 100 students and 12 teachers from Denmark

On Tuesday, March 8th, our school hosted 100 students and 12 teachers from the Danish Oure School. Our class 3e was designated to hosting the Danes in class lessons and a guided tour of the city. They were divided into two groups, one at school and the other in the city. The Danes at school were present during lessons in different classes with diverse subjects, while the Danes in the city along with teachers from our school visited various sights, which were presented to them in English by students from our class. After the first half of the day, the groups of students switched.

At first there was a feeling of nervousness on both sides but that soon subsided. We quickly got along and started socializing; after all, we are athletes and had many common interests that we discussed. They told us about their life in Denmark and we told them about ours. We were all quite surprised that their customs and habits are very different from ours. We found out that the students from Denmark are very talkative and that they adore our city. They were not afraid to ask anything and we were happy to answer all of their questions. The day ended too quickly and it was time for them to leave. Despite having limited time together, we can happily say that we created wonderful friendships and we all enjoyed this delightful day. 

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